We all know that every celebrity, politician, and dignitary arrives at their meetings with a complete protection detail. However, it isn’t just those in the political or Hollywood limelight that can afford protection. Elite Personal Protection’s mobile protection service provides armed and unarmed single-vehicle or convoy transportation to your meetings, flight, or business.

Not every outing has a high risk or probability of an incident. However, every tour does have some risks. This risk can be mitigated by employing protection and analysis in your travels. Elite Security Protection offers single-car or convoy transportation. Single-car transportation includes an armed driver and a discrete Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) with tinted windows.
Tinted windows are a safety feature that is not only for keeping a car cool inside. Tinted windows provide discretion during transportation and also don’t allow someone on the outside to see who is where in the vehicle. This prevents unwanted persons from seeing who is located where in the vehicle, so they cannot set up where to approach or take pictures. As a result, media and other solicitors are no longer an issue as you drive to your destination.

Executive Protection is a holistic package of security. Executive Protection does not only include armed transportation but includes an assessment, an advanced party, and the primary protection team. Even if threats aren’t made explicitly or actively to an executive, those with high net worth, in the light of the media, or elite positions are of higher probability of unsolicited engagement than others. Elite Security Protection provides clients with peace of mind in their every travel. We coordinate with necessary law enforcement, local security, and other necessary agencies to ensure a smooth transition from incoming transportation to the event location and all the back to your doorstep.
Elite Protection ensures discretion in their executive protection teams. When needed, the advanced party (ADVON) arrives at the location to provide the preliminary reconnaissance of all paths and routes is still current. The ADVON alerts the team when the area is officially secured and ready for receipt by the executive. The team leader travels with the executive at all times. The team leader communicates changes to the executive while managing the operation via his escort, ADVON, and protection team leaders.
Executive protection is a scalable security detail. Suppose an executive is conducting everyday travels or does not need a whole team, including convoy escort, protection team, and advon. In that case, the executive protection team can be scaled to the size and needs of the executive to maintain discretion and ease without sacrificing security.

We are ready to provide you with your security needs. Please fill out the form below.